Meet Art2Learn

The female da Vinci and Michelangelo of our time,
but as a team.


Our Mission

At Art2Learn, we create brilliant illustrations and images
for scientists who want to tell engaging stories.

As PhDs we understand your research.
As artists we make it dazzling.
Our twosome of brain hemispheres at your service.

Focus on your research. We ensure the world does too.

Our Values

Discover the pillars of our work.

less is more

By focusing on the main issues, your memory has a higher capacity to memorize the core message. Hence we strip the story of all redundant details.

more than words

Pictures are the language or our memory: they get processed faster and are better remembered. Hence we create visually attractive designs.


A message has a higher impact if it is linked to an emotion. That's why we want to move people’s hearts as well as their bodies.

Our Team

Science brought us together. Art propelled us forward.
As doctoral students, we fantasized about an ideal world where science could captivate both hemispheres of the brain. With Art2Learn, we offer the rock-solid combo of science and art, making the story and design perfectly aligned.


Put a pencil in my hand and I start drawing. I rediscovered this lost love of mine during my PhD research, where I strived to graphically display scientific elements. I helped many colleagues to correctly present their data and discovered that knowledge transfer between peers is also something I like. After my PhD, I was wondering how I could use these skills to start an entrepeneurial path as science illustrator. Not much later I had the opportunity to start up Art2Learn together with Dorien.


As a kid I could draw, tinker and write for hours. I also devoured many ‘know books’ from the library. My urge for scientific knowledge was abundantly satisfied at the university, but sadly, at the expense of my creative side. During my PhD and later science teaching career, it became clear to me that this is an essential part of myself that cannot be suppressed. I lost my heart to science education and I discovered that making attractive course was what gave me energy. In Jasmien I found my equal and so we started our endeavor.

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